
Friday, April 6, 2012

Crucifixion in Kapitangan

Every Good Friday, the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is re-enacted in Kapitangan, a village in the town of Paombong in the Philippine province of Bulacan.

The area below the platform where the crucifixion was packed with people. I only managed to take the video about 100 meters away.


  1. I don't get the logic of this practice but oh well, to each his own.

  2. i haven't seen a crucifixion personally yet, and i don't really want to.

  3. Just like Athena i too havent witnesses crucificaxion in person,, but i doubt if i want to as well--- it might freak me out...

  4. Yeah, I don't really understand why people need to do this procedure. tsk.

  5. if this is the way they want to show their faith. so be it.:)

  6. this is too medieval already and I do believe the Catholic Church frowns on this practice.

  7. ouch! wondering what happened next.. did he go to hospitals to get it treated? has it made him a changed person? were all his prayers answered?

  8. This kind of practice is freaky!
    Though its a spectacle to witness..
    I think I can never carry on watching people getting mutilated.
    I respect their beliefs though, but this is beyond me.

  9. God doesn't want us to get hurt. We're not making Him happy by doing this. But if that's their belief, I respect that :)

  10. i must see one of them very soon! faith indeed! xx

  11. oh i thought this practice is done only in Pampanga. but no matter how hard we tried, we cannot copy or repeat the act of pure love by our Savior Jesus Christ when He atoned for our sins by suffering on the cross - for one we all have sinned.

  12. The reenactment of The Crucifixion has been a tourist attraction for many years now. I just hope that foreigners won't go to the extent of pretending to be crucified just for the sake of having a souvenir photo :(

  13. I don't really understand why they need to do it. They need to be educated about their faith.
